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Stripe Stripe

Terms of placing and executing orders, payment

  1. The Buyer may place an Order for Products available for sale on the Website electronically via the Website or by phone via Customer Service.
  2. In order to place an Order electronically, the Buyer is obliged to correctly complete the registration form or order form and confirm that he has read the Regulations.
  3. Registration activities are performed once, and subsequent Orders are processed based on the Buyer logging in to the Website by providing the login and password.
  4. The Regulations also apply in their entirety to Orders placed by telephone.
  5. After the Buyer places an Order via the Website or by phone, the Seller sends confirmation of acceptance of the Order for processing to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer during registration on the Website, provided on the order form or during a telephone conversation.
  6. The sales contract is concluded when the Buyer receives the Seller's confirmation of acceptance of the Order for execution and payment of the advance payment by the Buyer.
  7. After the Seller has approved the acceptance of the Order for execution, the Buyer is not able to change or cancel it.
  8. The Seller has the right to refuse to process the Order:
    • if the data provided when placing the Order was incorrect or untrue,
    • submitted in violation Regulations .
  9. Orders for larger quantities of Products by Buyers who are not Consumers may be placed via the website or the form for companies available on the website. If the Buyer is an entrepreneur, the Seller reserves the ownership right to the Products until the Price is paid in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.
  10. Placing Orders via the Website is possible 24 hours a day, all days of the year, and via Customer Service Centre 5 days a week from Monday to Friday from 7.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., excluding public holidays.
  11. The Seller does not process Orders on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in accordance with applicable regulations.
  12. The Seller undertakes under the sales contract to deliver Products without defects.
  13. If the ordered Product is missing, the Seller will inform the Buyer about this fact before proceeding with the Order, and the Buyer has the right to cancel the entire Order or to give up the missing Product.
  14. By concluding the contract, the Buyer undertakes to collect the Products and pay the Price indicated on the Website by the Seller along with delivery costs - unless the delivery in a given case is free of charge, about which the Buyer is informed each time when placing an order. The price list of delivery costs is established on an ongoing basis according to market prices.
  15. The Buyer's obligations arising from the sales contract, indicated in particular in the Regulations, continue until the Price and delivery costs of the Products are paid, if they were calculated in accordance with the applicable price list.
  16. The customer has the option of paying for the goods for the placed order in the following forms:
  • By traditional transfer to the bank account indicated by the Store
  • Stripe - online payment/payment card
  • Cash or prepayment at the company's headquarters (personal collection)

After making the payment, the customer receives an invoice/receipt sent electronically to the e-mail address provided during registration, on the order form or when placing an order by phone.

Cashless payments are supported by Stripe, regulations and privacy policy are available at

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