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Elektryczne samplery do wypalania kawy


Experimenting and adjusting all the little aspects of the process is an essential part of our trade. With our electric sample coffee roasters, you no longer need to deal with the whole batch of beans – the machines allow you to burn as little as 50 grams at a time, which more often than not is enough to identify the characteristics (flavours and aromas). If you’re looking for state-of-the-art devices that not only perform well, but also look great, you’ve come to the right place!

Electric sample roaster – professional coffee machines

Our range of electric sample roasters offers a variety of models with slightly different characteristics – including the capacity, heating power, or materials used. All the technical specs are listed on the product description pages. Our coffee roasting machines are constructed in Poland, combining artisan methods, attention to detail, and modern technology. We deliver models with various batch sizes – from 150 g to 1200 g – which allows you to get a perfect fit for the individual requirements of your business.

All the electric coffee roasting machines available in this section are equipped with a touchscreen control panel. You can easily regulate such parameters as stirring and heating power or the speed of the exhaust fan. The remaining roasting time is also displayed (a full cycle of preparing the sample is ranging from 4 to 15 minutes).

Functionality, as well as general build quality, is what makes our devices stand out. The machines are designed for extensive exploitation, which is reflected in the materials that we use. Every device is equipped with a stainless-steel cooler and an automatic chaff collection system, which help you to maintain a safe and clean work station.

Coffee roasting machines – try Coffed!

Our range of electric sample coffee roasters is great for small, medium, and large businesses. We provide a whole line of professional roasting machines with various specs – contact us to learn more about our models. We’re always happy to help!

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